Friday, March 1, 2013

Water Vapor Permeation Quantity Testing for Battery Shell of Polymer Li-ion Battery

Polymer Li-ion battery, also called Li-polymer battery, is compact and light-weighted. It has long life span of more than 1000 times and no memory effect, that is, it can be recharged anytime without influencing its performance. The battery is widely applied in mobile phone, tablet computer, lap-top, portable camera, DVD player and portable military equipments, etc. Now, polymer Li-ion battery is being developed for electric vehicles, including electric bikes, electric motors and electric automotives. Battery shell of polymer Li-ion battery is an integrated part of polymer Li-ion battery. Its barrier property against water vapor would influence electrochemical property and life span of the battery. Therefore, water vapor transmission quantity of battery shell is an important index for manufacturers. Taking Labthink W3/330 Water Vapor Permeability Tester as a example, a brief introduction is made for water vapor transmission quantity testing of polymer Li-ion battery shell.

1.       Significance for Testing Water Vapor Transmission Quantity of Polymer Li-ion Battery Shell
Lithium salt exists inside polymer Li-ion battery, which can instantly produce strongly corrosive hydrofluoric acid when meets water vapor in the battery shell. If the shell material is improper for barrier performance against water vapor, the atmospheric water vapor would permeate into the battery, and when meets lithium salt, would produce hydrofluoric acid. The aluminum foil would be seriously corroded. Aluminum foil would be separated with the internal membrane, and would be corrosively perforated. The whole shell is ruined. Thus, water vapor transmission quantity must be tested.

2.  Testing Methods for Water Vapor Transmission Quantity of Polymer Li-ion Battery Shell
Battery shell of polymer Li-ion Battery has high barrier property against water vapor. As to such high barrier material, electrolytic method is usually applied to test water vapor transmission rate. The detailed method is as follows: prepared sample is clamped in between the testing chambers. Nitrogen gas with a certain humidity flows at one side of the sample; dry nitrogen flows at the other side of the sample. Owing to the humidity differences, water vapor would permeate from the high humidity side into the low humidity side. At the low humidity side, the permeated water vapor would be carried to the electrolytic sensor by the dry nitrogen gas flow, and produce corresponding electronic signals when entering into the sensor. Through analysis and calculation of the electronic signals, water vapor transmission rate of the sample can be obtained. Labthink W3/330 Water Vapor Transmission Rate Testing System applies computer monitoring with simple operations and human friendly interface. The instrument has a patent design of 3 testing cells integrated in one. The master-satellite mode is applied, that is, a master base can connect up to 9 satellite modules. In other words, 30 samples can be tested at the same time. Its high precision and excellent repetition guarantees perfect testing for water vapor transmission quantity through polymer Li-ion battery.
Water Vapor Transmission Rate Testing System

Water vapor transmission quantity through battery shell is not enough. Other indexes, including puncture resistance and stability against electrolyte should also be monitored, so as to confirm its conformance.
Labthink,Think for you only!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Oxygen Permeability, OTR of Contact Lenses Materials

Speaking of contact lenses, the most common thing we thought of is their contact' effect. Contact lenses correct vision by directly adhering to the surface of eye cornea to change diopter. Therefore, they possess a lot of unique merits comparing with frame glasses. For example, it applies no compression to nose bridge and ears, and is especially applicable to some special professions such as actor and athlete. Actually, the functions of contact lenses are not limit to the correction of shortsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. They have other functions such as treating color blindness and some ophthalmocace by medication absorption.

1. Material Requirements of Contact Lens
Wearers attach particular importance to the selection of lens material because it adheres directly to eye cornea. With the influence of advertisement, many wearers go in for lenses of high moisture content in selecting contact lenses. In their eyes, the higher the moisture content, the better the lens quality. In fact, the pursuit of higher moisture content is very wrong in contact lens selection. Wearers should also take secretory volume of tears, working and living environment into account. Actually, oxygen permeability of lenses is the most important index. The discomforts and wearing time mainly depends on lens oxygen permeability. Moreover, higher moisture content and ultra thin that are advertised now are to improve lens oxygen permeability.
OX2/230 Oxygen Permeability Tester

Oxygen deficit, which is caused by inability of eye cornea to obtain oxygen, is the most common trouble of wearing contact lenses. Originally, cornea breathes by obtaining oxygen from air directly. When contact lens adheres to eyeball surface, oxygen can still transmits through lenses, but the transmitting rate reduces obviously. Newly increased vessel caused by cornea oxygen deficit will appear as red heron and will increase the opportunity of infection of eyes. For that reason, contact lenses of higher oxygen permeability should be selected. Oxygen permeability of lenses is related with lens moisture content and lens thickness because oxygen is transmitted by water. However, the crucial factor that influences wearing effect is whether contact lenses match eye cornea.

As mentioned above, oxygen permeability of contact lenses has a direct influence on wearer comforts and will in turn affect the sales. That is why oxygen permeability testing attracts particular attention of lens manufacturers.
ISO issued special testing standards for the oxygen permeability testing of contact lenses: ISO 9913-1 Optics and Optical Instruments-Contact Lenses-Part 1: Determination of Oxygen Permeability and Transmissibility with the FATT Method and ISO 9913-2 Optics and Optical Instruments -Contact Lenses-Part2: Determination of Oxygen Permeability and Transmissibility by the Coulometric Method. Testing principal and testing instruments in ISO 9913-2 is very similar to that used in coulometric method in oxygen permeability testing of flexible material. Many manufacturers of contact lens have been authorizing Labthink to test the oxygen permeability of lens materials and have got ideal testing results.
ISO 9913-2 is suitable for rigid and non-hydrogel flexible contact lens materials. The testing indexes are oxygen flux-j, oxygen permeability -Dk, oxygen transmissibility-Dk/t and specimen thickness-t. Generally, Dk is used to evaluate the permeability index of contact lenses. Testing principle is illustrated as fig. 1: put specimen into testing chamber to divide the chamber into upper and lower parts. Fill testing gas into upper chamber with the oxygen content at a fixed rate. Carrier gas flows into coulometric sensor from lower chamber, by which an equal pressure between two sides of the specimen is maintained. However, oxygen partial pressure is different. Under the function of partial pressure, oxygen will transmits into carrier gas through film and will be carried into coulometric sensor, where oxygen quantity in nitrogen gas can be calculated accurately and then oxygen transmissibility of the material can be calculated. Oxygen permeability instrument should be calibrated with reference film before testing to determine the calibration factor, which will be used in calibration. It is regulated in standard ISO 9913 that calibration specimen SRM 1470 is the same as that used in standard ASTM D 3985 for film testing.
Testing process includes the following steps: purge system, diverge oxygen gas into upper chamber, sensor output becomes stable (judging whether transmitting achieves equilibrium), and obtain testing result. There are mainly two differences between testing of contact lenses and flexible package testing: one is the specimen fixture, specimen shape and area; the second difference is testing environment. Testing temperature of film oxygen permeability is 23. To simulate practical service condition, testing temperature of contact lenses is 35. Since temperature fluctuation has an obvious influence on testing results of oxygen permeability, the stability of testing temperature is of great significance. Therefore, it is better that the instruments possess function of temperature controlling, just as Labthink OX2/230 Oxygen PermeabilityTester.

3. Influence of Lenses Suitability on Oxygen Permeability
OX2/230 Oxygen Permeability Tester

Whether contact lenses are suitable mainly depends on the perfection of suitability.  A pair of good contact lenses should match with eye cornea perfectly. There is a layer of tear existing between contact lens and eye cornea, and is constantly flowing. The tears bring oxygen to cornea and take off waste substance. In this way, contact lenses will not change the normal physiological condition of eyes and will not impair eye cornea. If the contact lens doesn’t match well with eye cornea, even ultra thin lenses of high moisture content will adhere closely to the cornea with the result that the flowing of oxygen can only rely on moisture content and thickness of the lens. Of course, high oxygen permeability is always favorable, no matter what the kind of suitability is.

4. Conclusion
Oxygen permeability of contact lens, which has a direct influence on wearing comforts, is an important index. That is why manufacturers of various contact lenses are trying their best to improve oxygen permeability of contact lenses. At present, the marketing of PGP has obviously influenced market share of traditional flexible contact lenses. The outstanding merit of RGP is high oxygen permeability, which makes no oxygen deficit of eye cornea. With RGP, many complications caused by flexible contact lenses can be avoided. Therefore, RGP has become known and encouraged by most experts.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Transit Package Testing for Cosmetics

As fashionable products, cosmetics need exquisite packages and best protection during Transit and shelf-life time. Labthink Instruments Co. Ltd. (, the world famous testing instrument and service provider, meets the demands for cosmetics packaging and application, integrates testing items and instruments as follows, so as to contribute to the package quality testing of cosmetics companies and relevant package suppliers.

The cosmetics products should reach the customers in good condition after transit, shelf display and other procedures. Now, the transit packages of cosmetics are mainly corrugated paper boxes, and the main testing indexes are compression strength and stacking testing of plastic boxes.

1. Compression Strength Testing for Corrugated Paper Boxes: We hereby take Labthink XYD-15K Box Compression Tester for introduction. When testing, place the corrugated box in between the compression plates of XYD-15K Box Compression Tester; and then, set the speed and start the test until the occurrence of box breakage. The pressure is the compression strength in kN. When doing such tests, a preset pressure, normally 220N, is a must before testing. 

XYD-15K Box Compression Tester
2. Stacking Tests of Corrugated Boxes: During Transportation, corrugated boxes needs to be stored in the form of stack. The boxes at the bottom endure more pressure than the upper ones. In order to avoid collapse, proper compression strength is needed when stacking. Therefore, stacking testing and maximum compression strength are of great importance. Labthink XYD-15K Box Compression Tester has stack testing function, and can output stacking test result directly.

Labthink, the excellent provider of testing instruments and testing services, is devoted to provide most excellent and complete quality control solutions for pharmaceutical, foodstuff, cosmetics, packaging, printing, adhesive, automotive, petrochemistry, environment, biology, new energy, construction, aviation and electronic industries worldwide.

Detailed information,pls contact Emily Wu via or the telephone:0086-531-85060139.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Oxygen Transmission Rate Testing Equipment-OTR Tester

Oxygen Transmission Rate Testing Equipment-OTR Tester professionally designed for the determination of oxygen transmission rate test of film and package specimens. It has three test modes and is applicable to various materials with high, medium and low oxygen permeability. Oxygen Transmission Rate Testing Equipment-OTR Testeris also embedded with high precision oxygen sensor, which provides a huge test range of 0.01~65000cm3/m2·d and durable service life.
  • Wide range and high precision of temperature and humidity control, adding humidity to two sides of the specimen, to support various combinations of non-standard test conditions
  • World leading pressure compensation technology ensures accurate and repeatable test results
  • Standard, proportional and continuous testing modes facilitate to minimize errors caused by human factors during the testing process
  • Save test data in different formats for convenient data transfer
Oxygen Transmission Rate Testing Equipment

  • Films
  • Sheeting
  • Packages
  • Solar Back-Sheets
  • Battery Plastic Shell

Technical Specifications:
  • Number of Specimens:1~3 with independent test results
  • Temperature Range:15°C~55°C (standard)
  • Temperature Accuracy:±0.1°C (standard)
  • Humidity Accuracy:±1%RH
  • Carrier Gas Pressure:≥ 0.28MPa

Oxygen Transmission Rate Testing Equipment-OTR Tester conforms to the following standards:
ISO 15105-2, GB/T 19789, ASTM D3985, ASTM F2622, ASTM F1307, ASTM F1927, JIS K7126-2, YBB00082003
OTR Tester

D3985 Standard Test Method for Oxygen Gas Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and Sheeting Using a Coulometric Sensor

F2622 Standard Test Method for Oxygen Gas Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and Sheeting Using Various Sensors

Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate Testing Instrument

Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate Testing Instrument-ASTM F1249-06 Standard Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and Sheeting Using a Modulated Infrared Sensor

Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate Testing Instrument is designed for the determination of water vapor transmission rate test of film and package specimens. It has three test modes and is applicable to various materials with high, medium and low water vapor permeability. It is also embedded with high precision infrared sensor, which provides a wide test range of 0.001~1000g/m2·24h and durable service life.

    Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate Testing Instrument
  • Wide range and high-precision of automatic temperature and humidity control to support various combinations of non-standard test conditions
  • Proportional, cycling and manual testing modes facilitate to test different materials with distinct water vapor permeability
  • Save test data in different formats for convenient data transfer
  • The system can be easily connected to a maximum of 10 instruments to accomplish up to 30 tests at the same time
  • Films
  • Sheet
  • Paper and Paper Board
  • Packages
  • Pharmaceutical Blister Package
  • Instant Noodles, Paper Cups and Bowls

Technical Specifications:
  • Number of Specimen:3 (Independent results for each specimen)
  • Temperature Range:15°C~55°C (standard)
  • Temperature Accuracy:±0.1°C (standard)
  • Pressure of Carrier Gas:0.28MPa/40.6psi

Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate Testing Instrument conforms to the following standards:
ISO 15106-2, ASTM F1249, TAPPI T557, JIS K7129

Labthink,Think for you only!
W3/230 WVTR Tester